If you are health conscious, you probably know that diet has a direct impact on our physical and mental health. In simple words, we become what we eat. It is psychologically proven that the food that we consume every day shapes our mentality and worldview.
Nonetheless, what is most obvious is the physical impact of diet. If you eat junk food, for instance, you will develop bad health. On the other hand, if you sustain a balanced diet – that has enough proteins and nutrients in it – you will develop sound health.
That is how, it is the tiny little eating habit that shapes the bigger picture. To avoid this, people follow certain dietary plans like intermittent fasting and going all-green, and some follow the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA.) All these have one synonymous objective: A healthy body. No matter what steps you take, at the end of the day, the objective is to develop a healthy body.
This is where protein comes into play. In fact, proteins are the most inevitable ingredients for a healthy body. CDC goes to the extent to say that no healthy body can possibly survive for a long time without an adequate amount of proteins. Your body carves for protein almost every time you consume food.
Where to Find Protein?
Given the inevitability of proteins for a healthy body, one may ask: Where can I find protein? Well, there are lots of foods that are rich in protein. Beans, fish, dairy products, nuts, and seeds are some of the fundamental carriers of protein.
So, you may make a combination of these protein-rich foods or consume them separately. Either case is fine as long as it is not overeaten – which will have negative reactions.
Eat Protein If You are Looking to Lose Weight
This may sound like an unpopular opinion. Protein-rich foods help in losing weight. Back in the days, boiled beans were used to lose weight. “When you eat food that is rich in protein, it gets digested very steadily,” says the founder of Food Trainer, Lauren Slayton. She goes on to say, “Protein helps in losing appetite. It manages carvings as well. So, if you eat less, you will naturally lose weight.”
With that all said, it is essential to take the amount of protein in the accordance with the body weight. Meaning you should not overconsume (compared to your weight) protein assuming that you will burn some calories and lose weight.
Eat ‘More’ Protein As You Age
It is obvious that as one grows old, the body organs become fragile and weak. As you cross the standard age (50 years), these body parts start malfunctioning. From eyes to legs, all of the critical body organs either stop proper functioning or do not function at all. This is where protein comes into play.
There are numberless scientific researches that suggest that consuming more protein, as one ages, helps body organs to function properly.