You might’ve heard people say, your hairstyle can change your entire look! Now we don’t know if that’s actually true, but trust us when we say this, hair color does make a significant difference!
It’s an interesting alchemy that’s usually overlooked but believe it or not, the right hair color can actually make or break your look. It can brighten your face, even out your skin tone, and make it feel as if you took a bath in candlelight!
By now you must’ve heard that gray is the new black, burgundy, blonde, or even mahogany. But the thing to remember is that it doesn’t happen overnight; going gray is a whole lot of process.
In a recent conversation with Sarasota Coral Pleas, Cutting Loose Salon’s owner, we found out quite a lot about the process of revamping our dyed hair to gray, and how to pull it off graciously while you’re at it!

Into talks with Pleas!
When asked about the emergence of this trend, Pleas mentioned, the pandemic needs to be blamed for the same. If someone ever thought of dying their hair gray, the pandemic was the perfect opportunity for that. All the weddings were on hold, working in offices and going out for weekends were canceled. So, what could’ve been a better time to pull off some experiment, right?
Usually, going gray is considered more as growing old. People think the color will make them look old compared to their actual age. To that Pleas responded, that it differs from one person to another. On some, it looks absolutely flattering, while on others, not so much. Most silver-haired beauties feel attractive, powerful, luxurious, and strong in gray.
Let’s see it this way – if most of your gray locks are white, there are high chances you might look great in them because white hair pops out your skin tone’s warmth. On the contrary, if the majority of your hair is dark gray (salt and pepper tone), it will make you look old. It leans towards a more aging look, in which case, your stylist needs to add more light-reflecting and flattering grays.

The transitioning process
If you’re looking forward to the quickest way to grow out your grays, go for the easiest and most trusted option – the big chop. Select a cute and trendy pixie that would go best with your face structure.
The second option you can go for is a transitional hair color. The application that turns out to be most successful is when applying head full of baby highlights. Later, towards the end of the process, apply a dark brown color to the remaining patches to give an all-over salt-pepper color effect. To see the best results, Pleas advises listening to the stylist and letting them do their magic.
The duration of the ongoing transitioning process is solely determined by the length and condition of your hair. In some cases, your stylist may recommend going in for a few extra steps to increase the shine that would help in preventing your hair look brassy.

Final piece of advice
For people who want to grow out their grays naturally, here’s the cheapest yet not-so-classy solution for you. Let your hair grow out naturally, which might take somewhere around 6-12 months. We know it might test your patience and take longer than usual but, trust Pleas, it’s the easiest and most pocket-friendly way to achieve natural beautiful grays.